
  • Year: 2009
  • Label: X Production
  • Catalogue number: XP045
  • Product type: CD


"MGKK TELEPATHY is a risk. Because Sunshine has always played with beauty like cosmetic surgery. Anyone who ever believed that this meant a series of banal procedures has been fooled. The word cosmetic here nonchalantly covers up all the inestimable risks of scalpel and anesthesia. For MGKK TELEPATHY, there is no beautification without a scar. No enhancement can do without disinfection and a wound that must be stitched and healed. The album goes to extremes that the previous DREAMER tried to shrink to. It doesn't find convergence, much less the fluffiness of Moonshower and Razorblades, but prefers variety.

The opening K.I.D.S. (KIDZ IN DA STREETS) lead the first decisive cut. After that, New Manifesto is as soothing as a scented candle lit for your peace of mind. But nothing can stave off the electro-chaos of Dance Fast Die Young; a nightmarish disco nightmare that resembles a bubble bath in a bathtub with blender blades spinning at the bottom. The damage done is cleansed by Mr. Catastrophy: a wellness cure for all outcasts and outsiders who ever thought they were destined for anything. MGKK TELEPATHY is a risky mind-meld with someone who wants to put you to sleep and cut you up. For the sake of beauty." the lyrics spell pretty much the same, I just changed something on the last bs, so don't let it confuse you :) That's where it all came from, the starting point X. The text is OK the text is OK

