Online Marketing


SEO analysis, audit and SEO copywriting for your website

Copywriting and copywriting have another superpower besides conveying some information by default, and that is to increase your visibility on search engines. This superpower is called SEO. Using SEO analysis, a specialist will find out the most frequently searched terms, which the SEO copywriter can subtly sneak into the texts on the website and thus optimize it for Google or Seznam, for example. However, these terms change, just like in intergenerational conversations, what you put on yesterday, you don't put on today and so on, and therefore the texts need to be updated and an SEO audit needs to be carried out once in a while. This will ensure that you still have fresh terms in them that your customers are searching for online. Of course, you don't have to have your backyard SEO specialist and SEO copywriter. If you are close to Brno, we can arrange SEO training for you on site or we can do it online.



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