
  1. This document provides you with information on the processing and protection of personal data by X Production s.r.o., registered office at Filipínského 36, 615 00 Brno, ID No.: 26304422, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Brno, file number C 42851 (hereinafter referred to as the "Administrator")
  2. Processing of personal data means any systematic operation with personal data, such as collection, recording, structuring, filing, use, storage, alteration, retrieval, consultation, dissemination, erasure or destruction.
  3. Either the controller or the processor may process personal data. The controller of personal data is the one who determines the purpose of the processing of personal data, carries out the processing and is responsible for it.
  4. In the following sections, we will tell you what personal data we collect, how we handle it, where we obtain personal data from and outline your basic data protection rights. A more detailed regulation is contained in the Personal Data Protection and Processing Directive.
    1. We adhere to the following principles when processing personal data:
      1. Personal data are always processed only for a clearly and comprehensibly defined purpose, by lawful means and only for the time necessary for the purpose of processing.
      2. The controller processes accurate personal data and only to the extent necessary for the fulfilment of contractual and legal obligations or for the fulfilment of the purpose for which the personal data is processed.
      3. Personal data is protected and processed in a manner that prevents any unauthorized or accidental access to, alteration, destruction, loss or other unauthorized processing of such personal data. For these purposes, appropriate technical and organisational measures are observed and all persons who come into contact with personal data are obliged to respect the confidentiality of information obtained in connection with the processing of personal data.

      4. The controller informs the data subject about the processing of their personal data and their rights related to this processing.
  5. The controller obtains personal data in electronic or paper form directly from the data subject and from public registers.
  6. The controller processes personal data to the following extent for the following defined purposes.
    1. Employees and job applicants
      1. Personal data of employees are processed without consent.
        1. Mandatory data is processed for the purpose of maintaining payroll, personnel and tax agenda within the scope of the obligation to process personal data as stipulated by the legislation: First name, surname, residential address, ID card number, nationality, date of birth, place of birth, birth and former surname, sex, birth number, health insurance company, information on medical fitness, number of children (for women), type of pension received, if any, information on the employee's criminal record, if such data is required for the work performed, information on running one's own business, information on other regular gainful activity, information on the employee's membership of the management and supervisory bodies of a legal person carrying on a business activity, information on special authorisations or qualifications (driving licence, certificate of competence) if the employee has been insured for a pension abroad and the employer is the employee's first employer after the termination of pension insurance abroad, also the name and address of the foreign insurance carrier and the foreign insurance number.

        2. Optional data are processed for the purposes of the legitimate interests of the respective controller: bank account number, telephone, e-mail
      2. Personal data of job seekers provided directly by the data subject are stored for the purpose of offering further employment.
    2. Personal data of business partners are processed for the purpose of contract performance and marketing purposes of the controller: name and surname, date of birth, place of residence, invoice number, tax identification number, bank account number, telephone, e-mail
  7. The recipients of personal data on the basis of a legal obligation are public authorities.
  8. Information about the personal data processed can be obtained by:
    1. on the basis of a written request with an officially certified signature sent to the administrator of personal data, i.e. X Production s.r.o., with registered office at Filipínského 36, 615 00 Brno, ID No.: 26304422, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Brno, file number C 42851,
    2. or to the administrator's mailbox,
    3. or in person by prior arrangement at the address of the administrator.
  9. Correction or modification of the personal data processed may be made at the request of the data subjects by means of a message sent to
    1. with an officially certified signature sent to the personal data controller, i.e. X Production s.r.o., registered office at Filipínského 36, 615 00 Brno, ID No.: 26304422, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Brno, file number C 42851,
    2. or to the administrator's mailbox,
    3. or in person by prior arrangement at the address of the administrator.
  10. Erasure of personal data is only possible if the personal data is not processed because of a legal obligation. Otherwise, his or her personal data cannot be erased.
  11. The data subject may withdraw consent to the processing of personal data for marketing purposes at any time by:
    1. on the basis of a written request with an officially certified signature sent to the administrator of personal data, i.e. X Production s.r.o., with registered office at Filipínského 36, 615 00 Brno, ID No.: 26304422, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Brno, file number C 42851,
    2. or to the administrator's mailbox,
    3. or in person by prior arrangement at the address of the administrator.
  12. Personal data captured in electronic form is stored electronically on a computer hard drive (access is password protected). Personal data captured in physical form, in particular written documents, are stored in a locked office and subsequently locked in separate archive rooms for the duration of the archiving period.

These conditions are valid from 25 May 2018


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