Online Marketing


Performance marketing - sales and brand awareness

Performance marketing is a great tool for those who like to see and measure the results of their promotional and marketing investments. It is a measurable and transparent marketing discipline with great returns that we can control to a large extent. The advantage of performance marketing is that you can work with very different budgets, so it fits every brand household and delivers awesome results. With performance marketing, we will work with clear objectives that are fundamentally image or sales based. Which means, for example, that within your marketing the whole of Brno already knows about you, but you would like to be seen and heard throughout the whole of the Czech Republic. So we will focus on making sure that the creative and targeting of performance PPC ads is for the whole country. Sales targeting is simple, the desired goal is to increase sales. So we will take care of the creative - graphics, copy and campaign setup - to bring customers to your website or eshop and most importantly, the subsequent purchase. And you can also drive customers to your website the most common way - by googling. By completing an SEO audit and applying the results of the SEO analysis to your website, you'll achieve greater visibility online. So, if you want to increase sales or want your brand to be more visible, performance campaigns can be a very useful part of your marketing strategy.



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DEPO, Karlova 7,
614 00 Brno-Maloměřice
a Obřany
