Online Marketing

Design and management
PPC campaigns

PPC for your brand: strategy, campaign creation and management

PPC. It's no coincidence that it falls under online advertising, it's also such a magic word that can do so much. But only if you really master and understand the creation and management of PPC campaigns. Most often when asked what PPC is, a PPC specialist will answer that it is a Pay-Per-Click form of campaign that has a wide use in digital marketing on Google Ads, Facebook Ads and others. PPC campaigns, or "Pay-Per-Click" campaigns, are a form of online advertising where the advertiser pays for each click on their ad. This model is widely used in digital marketing and is a staple of advertising platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads and others. The goal can be to increase sales, as well as to spread brand awareness, informing about new products. A quality and effective PPC creative must combine good graphics to catch the eye of the slightly dulled online user, good copy and most importantly, proper setup and targeting. And just as important is where the campaign will lead because, like any marketing campaign, if it doesn't have a good goal set, its creation and ongoing management are pointless. With PPC campaigns, the big advantage is good measurability of results and data to work with. You certainly don't have to worry about the price of managing ppc campaigns, with the right setup the investment will be returned many times over.



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