

We will create an unmistakable corporate design for you

There are companies that have so appropriated a colour combination, for example, that you don't even need to see the name or logo to know exactly what brand it is. That's how you know a perfectly mastered corporate design. A unified visual style allows the company to be presented externally. It tells the customer how you are likely to behave as a brand and of course makes it clear what area your brand deals with. We can use many tools together to do this, from graphic work - choosing the right colours, creating logos, illustrated elements, fonts, to finding the tone of voice, setting the right copywriting to community management on social media. And to make sure that the unified corporate design in the company doesn't melt away and everyone knows what the visual style of the brand should look like, we will prepare a design manual for you. An instructional cookbook that describes all the important elements and procedures and gives the corporate identity clear rules.



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into reality!

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DEPO, Karlova 7,
614 00 Brno-Maloměřice
a Obřany
