Online Marketing

Administration and content
social networks

Content creation and social media strategy

Social media management and content is often an integral part of a marketing communications strategy. Presenting a brand on Facebook, Instagram or even a titktook has become as commonplace as a website. Every brand is looking for a balance between graphic posts, photos and videos with post-production and authentic footage. It takes mixing a nice social cocktail that tastes a little different for everyone. Posting your dances on social media has its advantages, but also disadvantages. No matter what content creation you choose, you need to give social media the aftercare it deserves because without a budget and a properly set up campaign, you'll get lost in the algorithmic crush. Even if it's a Jedi course sometimes, it requires responding to commenters - that is, practicing community management, keeping posts up to date, as well as sticking to the tone of voice of communication you set at the beginning. But social media also offers a way to showcase your brand or business authentically and interact with customers directly and get feedback from them straight away. And setting up and managing paid social media campaigns is a separate chapter. Because long gone are the days when you made do with organic reach and posts need to be supported with budget for better targeting and reach of posts.



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